Without words, there are no ideas.
Below, you can find just a few writing samples, selected to demonstrate a wide range of content and style.
News, advertising, arts, editorial and lifestyle writing are all represented here.
Click on images or titles to read any of the articles below.
Wonderful West Virginia Magazine
( Writer, 2017 — Present )
West Virginia Living
( Writer, 2017 — Present )
Photo Essay Profiles
"Ben Kolb is helping me tear the feet off a coyote corpse."
Local Government / Policy Editorials
Morgantown Magazine, Writer / Photographer, 2017 — 2020
Zackquill, Writer / Photographer, 2016—2017
“I feel like you can spend the first part of your life afraid to fail, then spend the second part of your life regretting you never tried."
The Noise, News Writer, 2014—2016
Fibonacci Fine Arts Digest, Writer / Photographer, 2015
"One Film at a Time: Director Patrick Schweiss Transforms the Sedona Film Festival"