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This is where you'll find a small sampling of my photography. These photos come from years of work with print and web publications, nonprofits, businesses, models, musicians and artists. You can see more samples at the Kromatic Facebook photo collection.
Business, sports, fashion, parties, concerts, politics, memorials...
NCAA - Northern Arizona University vs. University of Northern Colorado
Westboro Baptist Church at the Holocaust Museum
Behind the scenes at Anthropologie fashion show
Sheriff C.T. Woody of Richmond, VA addresses a crowd about inamte recitivism
Bar Mitzvah celebration
Fetish ball fashion show, Washington D.C.
50,000 protesters descend on the Wisconsin capital
Circus Bacchus, Flagstaff, AZ
[pawr-trit, -treyt, pohr-]
a likeness of a person, especially of the face, as a painting, drawing, or photograph
No matter how far a person can go, the horizon is still way beyond you. - Zora Neale Hurston